Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Getting the Right Visio 2010 Standard For You

Finding the right diagramming software is essential, not only because you have a potential affinity for Visio 2010 Standard, for example – but because quality control is afforded if proper planning and strategizing place a large role in your organization.

That being said, if you are thinking about picking up a Visio 2010 package, you can juxtapose the different versions to see which of these is most appropriate for you.

A lot of the improvements and latest of the twenty-ten version are generally available across the different editions, but Visio Pro and Premium have additional capacities that you might find to your liking.
Visio Standard 2010 brings introduced a brand new layout because of the Office Fluent User Interface and the redesigned Shapes Window. You will also be introduced to new features such as Quick Shapes, Auto Align and Space. This facilitates easy insertion and deletion of the different shapes. There are also new containers and callouts that make it easier to organize the diagrams and to polish them further. You will find that with Standard 2010 Visio, a lot more versatility in working with diagrams and a flowchart template that has a more streamlined and scalable pattern.

Of course Visio 2010 Pro version offers a lot more than the Std edition. With the Professional version, you can easily connect your diagrams to some data you have gathered for easy publishing with the Visio Services platform. With it, you can see some data-driven diagrams that are found in SharePoint. This is true even if you don’t have Visio as of the moment. You may also find useful the Detailed Network diagrams, wireframes, engineering and software patterns that suit people who are into IT and database jobs.

Finally, Visio Premium includes everything from the Pro and augments it with process management capacities like diagrams for SharePoint, Business Process Modeling Notation and there are even apps Six Sigma companies.  What stands out however is the Subprocess feature. This can allow you to compartmentalize the different processes so that they are more manageable and easier to pull up when you need them.

These are just some of the things that you can do with the Visio 2010 editions. So which one will you get? Visio 2010 Standard? Just be sure that whichever platform you purchase perfectly suits everything in your SME. Cost efficiency should always be married to quality control in output, planning and strategizing.